Please help:
"Cam on Ban, da giup do toi trong thoi gian qua.Toi cam nhan duoc, tinh yeu, su quan tam cua Ban danh cho toi kg con nhu truoc nua. Toi van biet Toi va Ban kg the o ben nhau mai mai. Chuc ban hanh phuc...."
Please help:
"Cam on Ban, da giup do toi trong thoi gian qua.Toi cam nhan duoc, tinh yeu, su quan tam cua Ban danh cho toi kg con nhu truoc nua. Toi van biet Toi va Ban kg the o ben nhau mai mai. Chuc ban hanh phuc...."
I will only give up of learning Vietnamese language for the same reason that I am learning it.
"Thank you for what you have done for me. I can feel that your love, concern and interest isn't as much as it used to be. I have been knowing that we won't be able to be together forver. May happiness be with you ..."
Last edited by camtieu; 11-29-2009 at 02:29 PM.
Thanks for the translation given.
I will only give up of learning Vietnamese language for the same reason that I am learning it.
there are many causes to learn a language, for example, i have learnt english just for fun