these are some sms from friend that i don't understand
1)hom bua diem noi o dau ban chao thit bam ngon ha diem
2)co ve kg
3)ko choi lau nhe ko tot
Thanks for translating
these are some sms from friend that i don't understand
1)hom bua diem noi o dau ban chao thit bam ngon ha diem
2)co ve kg
3)ko choi lau nhe ko tot
Thanks for translating
are they for you?
1)hom bua diem noi o dau ban chao thit bam ngon ha diem
Hôm bữa Diễm nói ở đâu bán cháo thịt bằm ngon hả Diễm?
Diễm, as you said, where sells the good meat soup ?
2)co ve kg
Có về không?
Will you come back?
3)ko choi lau nhe ko tot
Không chơi lâu nhé ! không tốt.
Don't stay for a long time. Not good.
Tìm không có nghĩa này trong Dict.
con·gé (kŏnzhā′, -jā′, kôɴ-zhā) also con·gee (kŏnjē)
1. Formal or authoritative permission to depart.
2. An abrupt dismissal.
3. A leave-taking.
4. A formal bow.
5. Architecture A concave molding.
[Middle English conge, and French congé both from Old French congie, from Latin commeātus, from past participle of commeāre, to come and go : com-, com- + meāre, to go; see mei-1 in Indo-European roots.]
con·gee (kŏnjē)
Congé (French):é,5,0,0.html
Last edited by MANH NGUYEN; 06-26-2009 at 12:31 PM.
I know. Try this