ai biet nghia cua cum tu "mercy me" chi giup minh voi. Cam on nhieu...
ai biet nghia cua cum tu "mercy me" chi giup minh voi. Cam on nhieu...
Parlez vous francais?
S/B merci: cám ơn,5,0,0.html
Last edited by MANH NGUYEN; 11-08-2008 at 01:19 PM.
I think that "Mercy, me." or "Mercy" would me more correctly categorized, as a part of speech, as an interjection - *"A word or expression that conveys surprise or another strong emotion. Alone, an interjection is usually punctuated with an exclamation point (!). As part of a sentence, an interjection is set off by a comma (or commas)."
*Hooray! I bowled a strike!
*Oh, they are late.
*(Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, ed. Troyka.)
It appears that classifying "Mercy, me!" as an interjection solves the problem as to whether or not to classify it as another part of speech -- such as a noun or verb.
Hope this has been helpful ;-)
I think I have heard this phrase "mercy me" somewhere. My first thought is that it means like begging for forgiveness.. something like that. I'm not sure ^^~
Anyway, discussing should have more than one idea to discuss,right?
Last edited by wild4ever; 07-06-2009 at 12:42 PM.
Strictly speaking, it is an exclamation and not an interjection, meaning something like 'Have mercy on me!'
But in Vietnamese it could probably be translated by 'Trời ơi!' or 'Chao ôi!'
It's an old-fashioned construction which is hardly ever used today. Much more common would be the following:
Oh my God!
Goodness me!
Good Heavens!
What the hell!
or other similar phrases.
An interjection is a sub-group of the exclamation group. Examples:
Last edited by rukkhamula; 07-28-2009 at 05:38 PM.