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I think you are reading more into the statements. An internal audit is usually an accounting inspection of a company's books, revenue, expenses, etc. done by the company itself and is not for auditing employee performance. An external audit as in something the IRS would do is the same thing, where they go into a company and take a look at the accounting books to make sure there is no cheating going on. So the word audit is very specific to "kiểm toán". Of course you can't use "kiểm toán" for employee performance because the word is used only for accounting purposes; that is where the word "toán" comes in. "Toán" as in arithmetic is used to calculate the money in company's books so they can gauge if they're profitable or losing money. The company already has in place separate measures to evaluate employee performance.
As for #7, the statement mentions 2 different processes which are separate from each other: operational maintenance and capital improvement.
Capital is the "vốn" or money you use to invest in your company, to get your business started and keep it running. I think in that statement they want to improve their capital or "vốn" in the event their machinery breaks down, then they would have to have "vốn" to repair it or purchase new ones. If all their "vốn" or capital is tied up they won't be able to buy new machinery or repair the ones not working and their whole production will suffer.