1. The color purity, or beam-landing, ad-justment is made for uniform color in the raster.
2. Convergence adjustments are made with a signal generator that produces a picture with white dots or a crosshatch pattern. Poor convergence produces color fringes in the picture. (See color plate II.)
3. Static convergence adjustments are made by permanent magnets. The mag-nets adjust convergence at the center of the picture
4. Dynamic convergence adjustments vary the correction current in the coils of the convergence yoke. The convergence at the edges of the picture is adjusted. Most in-line CRTs only require minor yoke adjustment.
5.Degaussing means demagnetizing the picture tube with 60-Hz alternating cur-rent from the powerline The automatic degaussing (ADG) circuit demagnetizes the picture tube each time the receiver is turned on.
6. Pincushion correction signals can be in-serted in series with the V and H coils of the deflection yoke, to straighten the edges of the raster.
7. Gray-scale tracking, or color-tempera-ture, adjustments maintain neutral white from low to high levels of brightness.
8. Internal blanking is used in addition to the blanking pulses in the composite video signal
9. A cutoff or background control varies the dc bias for the picture tube
10. The R, G, and B drive controls vary the amount of ac signal for the picture tube
11.The NORMAIL-SETUP switch removes the picture for adjustments on the raster alone, or just a horizontal line.