Please help with translating these into Vietnamese.
Thanks again for everyone's help!
1) I know that you are not working and I know that you are sad
2) It makes me sad when you are sad
3) I am very sorry that I am not there with you to cheer you up during this sad times
4) When you told me that you were very sad because you got terminated from work, I asked for earlier vacation from work but they did not allow vacation until May. Otherwise I will fly over to Vietnam immediately to be with you and make you happier. I am very sorry.
5) I really want to see you everyday. I wish you have a webcam so I can see you and you can see me everyday
6) Maybe it is now an opportunity to go for English classes because one day you will need to meet my parents
7) I am slowly learning Vietnamese so I can communicate with you better
8) I miss you very much and I cannot wait until I see you again, hold you, and be with you.
Much appreciated for everyone's help.
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