Thanks Paddy! I actually do attend a VN class for kids. I am in grade 3 of 10 and the ages of the kids in my class are from 12-17 (I am 21). The class is great, but it only meets once per week for 3 hrs at a time. So I try to do some extra to allow for more learning. I actually learned the term lập kế in that class.

-làm phiền- to annoy; Thằng ở chung phòng tôi làm phiền tôi nhiều quá. (My roommate annoys me so much.)

-đùa- to joke; Thằng kia không biết bao giờ ngừng việc đùa. (That dude does not know when to stop joking around.)

-bảo- to force; Má tôi bảo tôi đi nhà thờ. (My mom makes me go to church.)

-đụ- to fuck; Đụ đời tôi. (Fuck my life.) *uh...I say this a lot in English.

-hờn- to resent; Tôi hờn đời tôi. (I hate my life.) *this too..

-ngáp- to yawn; Tôi hay ngáp ở trong lớp tại vì lớp chán quá. (I often yawn in class because it is so boring.)

Quote Originally Posted by Paddy View Post
You can greatly improve your VN by attending those VN classes offered by local VN communities. Where do you live ?

Or you can download this and learn more:

Keep up the good work.

Giấc ngủ

Lập kế ??? I think this is a new word from VN. Maybe English Learner can shed more light on this. I use mưu sinh (more formal) or kiếm ăn (less formal).