Note: for the sake of ease, we mean the word “writer” and “reader” as “the person who writes sentences” and “the person who reads sentences” respectively in this document.

There are many problems that make a document difficult for readers to read. One of these problems is Lexical Ambiguity.

For example, the word "bank" in "He went to the bank" is ambiguous because readers don’t know if ‘bank’ means ‘the side of the river’ or ‘the place to store money’.

Some people may say that readers can figure out the meaning through the context.

That is true, but in many cases, relying on the context won't help a reader to correctly indentify the meaning of an ambiguous word. For example, the word "overlook" in "He overlooks it" is ambiguous because ‘overlook’ can be ‘inspect’ (look carefully) or ‘ignore’ (fail to notice). Even though the reader tried to put that word in a certain context, he/she still do not know exactly what the writer means.

So, my idea is that, if the writer somehow tried to map an ambiguous word that he/she is writing about to an exact specific meaning of that word in a dictionary, then the readers can understand that word easily.

Luckily, has Non Lexical Ambiguity Writing function that helps writers to create unambiguous documents for readers to read. Typically, This function requires writers to assign a specific meaning of an ambiguous word that he/she is writing about to an exact specific meaning in BraveKing Dictionary.

So, please check out & see how it is!