Quote Originally Posted by english-learner View Post
"man" sounds sexism
I guess:
"people have only some decades to live"

words by words: 'đời người có mấy cái mưởi năm' = how many decades is in your life/ lives?

It sounds similar to " ba vạn sáu ngàn ngày là mấy"
You mean 'sexist'. No, it isn't. If Neil Armstrong had said 'One small step for a person, one giant leap for people kind' it just wouldn't have had the same impact. Man is the species name for men and women just as dog is the same species name for dogs and bitches. Don't be fooled by political correctness. Its simply someone else trying to modify our language based on the premis that this will alter the way we think. Try reading 1984, George Orwell. Scary stuff!! As we say in English. This is the thin edge of the wedge!