Hi, I am trying to translate my poem into vietnamese by myself.. but i need help. =/.. I really appreciate your help =]

Where do i find this so called "Happiness"...
How do i know if it is "Happiness"...

As far as I know...
It's is something very hard to find...
But when you find it...
You feel like you can do anything...
You can break through any limits...

It brings more life into the person that you already are...
You feel more lively...
Ready to take on the world...
Not letting anything stop you...

How do I know this...
It's because Ive experienced it before...
I had grip of it...
I held it in my hands...
But then I let it slip...
And I couldn't ever get a hold of it again...

But that doesnt stop me from what I do...
There is so many things that I have accomplished even without it...
It makes it 10 times harder...
But you know it was worth the hard work when it has been accomplished...
Many times I have almost given up...
But I realized a lot...
And so I still here...
Doing what I still do...

Happiness is something that I have been searching for...
And I have been searching for a long time...
Many times I believe I found it...
But I was wrong...
Im still lost...
Searching for something that cant be found...
Its like being in an empty room...
And you are searching for something but there is nothing there...

One day...
I know one day...
I will find this happiness again...
And then I will be unstoppable...
I will show the world what I can do...
I just need to find my Happiness...
