i hope some 1 is able to help in the translation

I believe its time that I face the truth. Its been awhile since you lied and giving me all the false hope. For whatever reason that you are doing it, i dont blame you at all. You have chosen to walk the journey with him and now he is the most important thing in your heart. I think I have seen enough of your body language. Please dont say I never believe you. If i dont believe you at all, I wont be in heavy debts and having personal problems. Dont feel sad or guilty. You have yours reason in lying but what i did is pure because of my love to you and hope we have a better future. However now i believe that you would have a better future with him. You have already chosen to walk the journey with him and I too have to choose my own journey.

Remember this my love, your child is your future and only with good education and upbringing then you can escape poverty. Although you have always do the opposite of what you say to me and have never kept your promises to me but as I have promised you......I will forever be by your side whenever you need me. I have already told you that I will never put you in a difficult position so now you dont have to hide in toilet to call me. Love is always greater that pitiness or tinh nghia. You also dont have to worry about him knowing because after today, I will just be only someone that just love you with all my heart nothing else.

Wishing you have a happy marriage and happiness always with your family.