Please help to translate the following to vietnamese.
What iz love?
Just da transient feelan'
I'm so strange, do mah thang and don't impose 2 change mah thang
Keep it real.
Life iz cruel, no one nice, they just wanna get some thang of ur
Wanna have fun? Rest in peace. Care 'bout me? Dat iz ur mistake !
Imma bitch !
Lovein' me iz mean u're stupid...
Hopefully hope no one will see !~
Allant fou?!
What is love?
Just da transient feelan'
I'm so strange, do many thing and don't impose to change many thing
Keep it real.
Life is cruel, no one nice, they just wanted to get some thing of our
Wanna have fun? Rest in peace. Care about me? That is our mistake !
I'm bitch !
Loveing me is mean you are stupid...
Hopefully hope no one will see !~
Allant fou?!
Thank ...