Can some 1 please help to translate this long letter.

Many things have happened between us. Sometimes I really wonder is it a test given to us by heaven or is it created by ourselves. You may not realize it but every decision we make will eventually affect the people close to us. Some call it karma. You have made a decision and I will respect your decision. I may be sad about it but still I will respect that decision.
You always asked me if I would love you forever and my answer will always be yes. I am the kind of person I don’t really say out my feelings. I always believe action speaks louder than words and love is to show not to say. Even if we would not be together 1 day, my love for you would never change and will still love you till I die. I know you will never believe it, but I don’t think it does matter anymore. You always say you would never leave me, but you always make decisions that will affect our future together. I don’t blame you at all, I can be angry and sad or disappointed with your decision but I will never blame you. You will never understand and trust my love for you.
What is done cannot be undone. Maybe we fail the test given to us by heaven or maybe your love to me is not as strong as you think. I just want you to know that, even you always have doubt of my love for you, and misunderstood what I say; my love for you has never change and is still growing. I have tried to make you understand and hope you would know what I have been doing is for our happy future together. There are times when I think that maybe it’s your conscious and guilt that is the problem. Now that things have changed, I dare not asked for anything anymore and not even sure in your heart, what I am to you anymore. I don’t really care. Since you have made a decision, your body language and words have made me realise that we will never have a future together. Now I can only hope that you would have a happy life with him and take care of your health. I know you would not believe what I say about him but I still want to say, I know he has been sleeping with other gals beside you so please be safe as you still have your son to think of. It’s up to you to believe but its better safe than sorry. Always remember that no matter where you are or you feel that nobody cares or love you, in this lifetime; my heart will always be yours and will always be here for you. You say you don’t love him but it’s your duty to be with him, I would also say this to you, if you don’t love me that much anymore, leave me because I don’t want you to be with me just because of duty. I want you to be with me for love and duty. I am very heartbroken and afraid for the past few months. You told me to wait for you and you will show me that you really love me but what I have seen is totally opposit. You have your reason not to have my name in your mobile phone. The Trang that used to love me with all her heart will never do that.Its very painfull and I don't think I cannot take it anymore. To love is from the bottom of the heart and its my heart that is with you.