This is an SMS I just received verbatim (i.e. no tone markers were in the original either). I've spent the past 7 years becoming thoroughly proficient in Thai only to fall for a Vietnamese girl working over here who can speak, but not read/write Thai, and has zero English. We get by in Thai for conversation, but texting is proving difficult especially seeing as no phones here support the Vietnamese alphabet!

I've struggled with a number of online translation tools, but "I health article child brother thè which skin safe còm sour . and I now has go play no good bye nhé" is the best I managed so far

Anyways, Here's the text to translate:

"Em van khoe con anh the nao da an chua. Va toi nay co choi khong hen gap lai nhe."

Many thanks!

If anyone wants to help me with a polite reply that'd be great too