I'm a Vietnamese American but due to my upbringing, I was not really connected to the Vietnamese community nor language and I am beginning to integrate into it.

I am now in a city where I can meet and become friends with members of the vietnamese community, but I received an odd text all in Viet. Those in the Viet community who know me know I can't read it well and I received it from a phone number that I don't have. What troubles me is that when I tried to ask a friend about it, they told me it was about someone not wanting to be my friend anymore and I can't recall ever offending someone in recent history. I'm hoping to discover what this means and who it's from because I don't want to be making a mistake over and over with people I want to keep in my life.

Here it is:
Nghe noi dao nay may lam an den lam a . chac tai tao dung ko? tao xin loi may nhe. tu jio (i don't think that last word is right) may dung coi tao la ban nua nhe.

Please help?