3 Hair Dynamics
Anjyo et al [11], Rosenblum et al [22] and Kurihara et al [23] developed dynamic models that are issentialy based on individual hair. An individual hair is modeled as connected rigid segments having bending stiffness at each joint. Then the individual hair is solved for the movement due to the inertial forces and the collision with the body. Though the cantilever dynamics and collision avoidance with the body of each hair is within the scope of current computing power, modeling complex hair-to-hair interaction is still a challenge. Figure 8 illustrates the effectiveness of the dynamic model even though no hair-hair interaction is considered.
In the case of fur, which is mostly modeled as volumetric texture, one cannot take the explicit model approach for the animation. In this case, a time varying volume density function can facilitate animation of fur. One can simulate effects of turbulent air on the fur using stochastic space perturbation such as turbulence, noise, Brownian motion etc. Apart from Lewis [15] and Perlin [17, 18], work by Dischler [6] gave a generalized method for these animated shape perturbations.
4 Hair Rendering
In the field of virtual humans, hair presents one of the most challenging rendering problems. The difficulties arise from various reasons: large number of hair, detailed geometry of individual hair and complex interaction of light and shadow among the hairs and their small thickness. The rendering of hair often suffers from the aliasing problem due to many individual hairs reflecting light and casting shadows on each other contribute to the shading of each pixel. Further, concerning display of hairs, we see not only individual hairs but also a continuous image consisting of regions of hair color, shadow, specular highlights, varying degree of transparency and haloing under backlight conditions. The image, in spite of the structural complexity, shows a definite pattern and texture in its aggregate form.
In the last decade, the hair-rendering problem has been addressed by a number of researchers, in some cases with considerable success. However, most cases work well in particular conditions and offer limited (or none) capabilities in terms of dynamics or animation of hair. Much of the work refers to a more limited problem of rendering fur, which also has a lot in common with rendering natural phenomena such as grass and trees. As follows we give the related work in hair rendering focusing their salient features and limitations. Particle systems introduced by Reeves et al [19], primarily meant to model class of fuzzy objects such as fire. Despite particles small size -smaller than even a pixel- the particle manifests itself by the way it reflects light, casts shadows, and occludes objects. Thus, the subpixel structure of the particle needs to be represented only by a model that can represent these properties.
A particle system is rendered by painting each particle in succession onto the frame buffer, computing its contribution to the pixel and compositing it to get the final color at the pixel. The technique has been successfully used for rendering these fuzzy objects and integrated in many commercial animation systems. Figure 9 is an example of how one can use connected particle systems for the modeling of hair.
However, the technique has some limitations for shadowing and self-shadowing. Much of it is due to the inherent modeling using particle systems: simple stochastic models are not adequate to represent the type of order and orientation of hair. Also, it requires appropriate lighting model to capture and control the hair length and orientation.The specular highlights in particular owing to the geometry of the individual strands are highly anisotropic. Impressive results have been obtained for the more limited problem of rendering fur, which can be considered as very short hair. As we have already discussed in the case of hair shape modeling, Perlin et al [18] introduced hypertextures that can model fur like objects. Hypertexture approach remains limited to geometries that can be defined analytically.Kajiya and Kay extended this approach to use it on the complex geometries.
They used a single solid texture tile namely texel. The idea of texels was inspired by the notion of volume density used in [18]. A texel is a 3D texture map where both the surface frame and lighting model parameters are embedded over a volume. Texels are a type of model intermediate between a texture and a geometry. A texel is however, not tied to the geometry of any particular surface and thus makes the rendering time independent of the geometric complexity of the surface that it extracts. The results are demonstrated by rendering a teddy bear (figure 10). Texels are rendered using ray casting, in a manner similar to that for volume densities using a suitable illumination model. Kajiya et al discusses more about the particular fur illumination model and a general rendering method for rendering volume densities. The rendering of volume densities are also covered in great detail in the book by Eber et al [7].
In another approach by Goldman [9], emphasis is given on rendering visual characteristics of fur in cases where the hair geometry is not visible at the final image resolution –object being far away from the camera. A probabilistic rendering algorithm, also referred to as fakefur algorithm is proposed. In this model, the reflected light from individual hairs and from the skin below is blended using the expectations of a ray striking a hair in that area as the opacity factor.
Though the volumetric textures are quite suitable for rendering furry objects or hair patches, rendering of long hair using this approach does not seem obvious. A brute force method to render hair is to model each individual hair as curved cylinder and render each cylinder primitive.The shear number of primitives modeling hair poses serious problem to this approach. However, the explicit modeling of hair has been used for different reasons employing different types of primitives.
An early effort by Csuri et al [3] generated fur-like volumes using polygons. Each hair was modeled as a single triangle laid out on a surface and rendered using a Z-buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal. Miller [16] produced better results by modeling hair as pyramids consisting of triangles. Oversampling was employed for anti-aliasing. These techniques however, impose serious problems considering reasonable number and size of hairs
In an another approach, a hardware Z-buffer renderer was used with Gouraud shading for rendering hair modeled as connected segments of triangular prisms on a full human head. However, the illumination model used was quite simplistic and no effort was done to deal with the problem of aliasing. LeBlanc et al [14] proposed an approach of rendering hair using pixel blending and shadow buffers. This technique has been one of the most effective and practical hair rendering approach. Though it could be applied for the variety of hairy and furry objects, one of the primary intention of the approach was to be able to render realistic different styles of human hairs. Hair rendering is done by mix of ray tracing and drawing polyline premitives, with added module for the shadow buffer [20].
The rendering pipeline has the following steps: first the shadow of the scene is calculated for each light source. Then, hair shadow buffer is computed for each light source for the given hair style model; this is done by drawing each hair segment into a Z-buffer and extracting the depth map. The depth maps for the shadow buffers for the scene and hair are composed giving a single composite shadow buffer for each light source. The scene image with its Z-buffer is generated using scene model and composite shadow buffers. The hair segments are then drawn as illuminated polylines [27] into the scene using Z-buffer of scene for determining the visibility and the composite shadow buffers for finding the shadows. Figure 11 shows the process and Figure 12 gives final rendered image of a hairstyle of a synthetic actor with a fur coat.
Special effects like rendering wet hair require change in the shading model. Bruderlin [1] presented some simple ways to account for the wetness of hair -changing the specularity.That is, hairs on the side of a clump facing the light are brighter than hairs on a clump away from the light. Kong and Nakajima et al [13] presented an approach of using visible volume buffer to reduce the rendering time. The volume buffer is a 3D cubical space defined by the user depending upon the available memory and the resolution re-quired. They consider hair model as combination coarse background hair and detailed surface hair determined by the distance from the viewpoint or the opacity value. The technique reduces considerably the rendering time, however, the quality of results is not so impressive.
Yan et al [26] combine volumetric texture inside the explicit geometry of hair cluster defined as a generalized cylinder. Ray tracing is employed to get the boundaries of the generalized cylinder and then the standard volume rendering is applied along the ray to capture the characteristics of the density function defined. This may be considered as a hybrid approach for hair rendering.
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