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Another translation needed...please
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Thread: Another translation needed...please

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Another translation needed...please

    This is going to be posted for all the employees to read & understand the company quality policies. So, we really need it translated so I can make them a poster for the assembly area. Thanks!!!!
    1. On-time deliveries- We strive to continually improve customer on-time deliveries, as measured through Sales Delivery Reports and Customer complaints.
    2. Long term employment- We strive to maintain long term employees as determined by turnover.
    3. Customer Satisfaction- We strive to continually review and imporve our quality systems through the use of Customer Surveys, Employee Surveys, Internal Audits and Management Reviews.
    4. Opportunities- We strive to continually improve opportunities for growth for employees. We are committed to providing employees with additional training opportunities; training to increase employee effectiveness and job satisfaction. Each employee will have the opportunity to participate in ISO training.
    5. Non-conformances- We strive to continually decrease any non-conformance in products or performance throughout the use of nonconforming product reports as monitored at each Management Review.
    6. Preventative Measures- We strive to continue to provide for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects. Maintenance, including test measurements, adjustments, and parts replacement, performed specifically to prevent faults from occurring.
    7. Reliability Centered Maintenance- We strive to continue to focus on identifying and estabishing the operational maintenance and capital improvement policies and training that will manage the risks of equipment failure most effectively.
    8. MTA's quality is measured by continually comparing performance to these objectives.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by widget View Post
    This is going to be posted for all the employees to read & understand the company quality policies. So, we really need it translated so I can make them a poster for the assembly area. Thanks!!!!
    1. On-time deliveries- We strive to continually improve customer on-time deliveries, as measured through Sales Delivery Reports and Customer complaints.
    2. Long term employment- We strive to maintain long term employees as determined by turnover.
    3. Customer Satisfaction- We strive to continually review and imporve our quality systems through the use of Customer Surveys, Employee Surveys, Internal Audits and Management Reviews.
    4. Opportunities- We strive to continually improve opportunities for growth for employees. We are committed to providing employees with additional training opportunities; training to increase employee effectiveness and job satisfaction. Each employee will have the opportunity to participate in ISO training.
    5. Non-conformances- We strive to continually decrease any non-conformance in products or performance throughout the use of nonconforming product reports as monitored at each Management Review.
    6. Preventative Measures- We strive to continue to provide for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects. Maintenance, including test measurements, adjustments, and parts replacement, performed specifically to prevent faults from occurring.
    7. Reliability Centered Maintenance- We strive to continue to focus on identifying and estabishing the operational maintenance and capital improvement policies and training that will manage the risks of equipment failure most effectively.
    8. MTA's quality is measured by continually comparing performance to these objectives.

    1. Giao hàng đúng hẹn-Chúng ta phấn đấu cải thiện việc giao hàng đúng hẹn cho khách hàng được đánh giá qua các Báo cáo giao hàng và Than phiền của khách hàng.

    2.Công việc dài hạn-Chúng tôi phấn đấu duy trì số nhân viên làm việc dài hạn được xác định bởi doanh thu.

    3.Thỏa mãn khách hàng-Chúng ta phấn đấu xem xét và cải thiện hệ thống chất lượng một cách liên tục thông qua việc sử dụng các bản nghiên cứu về khách hàng, nhân viên, các cuộc kiểm tra nội bộ và các nhận xét đánh giá của Ban Quản lý.

    4.Cơ hội- Chúng tôi phấn đấu sẽ liên tục tận dụng mọi cơ hội để giúp nhân viên thăng tiến.Chúng tôi cam kết sẽ cung cấp cho nhân viên cơ hội được thực tập thêm.Thực tập nâng cao hiệu quả cho nhân viên và đúng yêu cầu công việc.Mỗi nhân viên sẽ có cơ hội tham gia thực tập chương trình ISO.

    5. Hàng không tiêu chuẩn- Chúng ta liên tục cố gắng giảm thiểu sự kém tiêu chuẩn trong hàng hóa cũng như hiệu suất lao động thông qua việc sử dụng các báo cáo về hàng kém tiêu chuẩn được giám sát trong mỗi tường trình của Ban quản lý.

    6.Các phương pháp dự phòng-Chúng ta phấn đấu sẽ tiếp tục dự phòng đầy đủ cho việc kiểm tra, phát hiện,sửa sai một cách có hệ thống trước khi sự việc xuất hiện hoặc trước khi trở nên quá nghiêm trọng. Bảo dưỡng, bao gồm cả các biện pháp đo đạc, điều chỉnh và thay thế phụ liệu, được tiến hành một cách đặc biệt để tránh sai sót xảy ra.

    7.Hệ thống bảo dưỡng đáng tin cậy- Chúng ta phấn đấu sẽ liên tục chú tâm vào việc nhận diện và xây dựng một hệ thống bảo dưỡng đạt hiệu quả, các điều lệ về phát triển cơ bản và thực tập để kềm chế được các rủi ro hư hỏng máy móc một cách hiệu quả nhất.

    8. Chất lượng của MTA được đánh giá bằng cách liên tục so sánh hiệu suất công việc với các mục tiêu trên.

    Last edited by Lenguyen; 06-15-2007 at 09:39 AM.

  3. #3



    2.Công việc dài hạn-Chúng tôi phấn đấu duy trì số nhân viên làm việc dài hạn khi cần thiết phải thay thế.


  4. #4


    You'll notice a slight diference in my translation " chúng ta ' and 'chúng tôi'
    I use chúng tôi to indicate the company Director Board 's commitment to its employees whereas chúng ta implies the whole company's commitment to customers.


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2007

    Default You are all amazing!

    Thanks again for your wonderful help! I will be at their facility tommorrow posting this for the employees! I thought I goofed and had put this on the other post. Carolton67 responded there with her translation. You both have just been absolutely a wonderful help and I do apppreciate it!

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2007


    Lenguyen, can we discuss some word usage in the translation just for an exchange of ideas? Sorry, I don't mean to be picky, but my work emphasizes accuracy in translation and I wanted to see what you thought so that it will help me in my work.

    #2 I made the same mistake you did in translating turnover as "doanh thu" because it seemed more logical that a company's workforce would depend on the company's "revenue" or "doanh thu"; however the company confirmed that this was "employee turnover" which would be "tốc độ nhân viên được thay thế"

    #3 Wouldn't "kiểm toán" be more appropriate for "audit" ; "kiểm tra" is general for inspection and examination. Whereas, "kiểm toán" does mean "audit"

    #6 You used "dự phòng" for preventive; I believe the meaning for dự phòng is to plan or prepare for and that is different from prevention. Prevention = ngừa phòng, ngăn ngừa?

    #7 You used "điều lệ" for capital improvement policies; "điều lệ" is regulation whereas "chính sách" is policy and you didn't write anything for capital improvement.

    What do you think?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    As for your switching from "chúng ta" to "chúng tôi", I know what you are implying, but it doesn't sound smooth when you switch back and forth like that and can be confusing to someone reading it, if it is not clarified. Also most companies do not want to differentiate between or separate themselves with management and employees. They want employees and everyone else to consider themselves a part of the company and become one whole entity because everyone is working towards the same goal and for the good of the company.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by carolton67 View Post
    Lenguyen, can we discuss some word usage in the translation just for an exchange of ideas? Sorry, I don't mean to be picky, but my work emphasizes accuracy in translation and I wanted to see what you thought so that it will help me in my work.

    #2 I made the same mistake you did in translating turnover as "doanh thu" because it seemed more logical that a company's workforce would depend on the company's "revenue" or "doanh thu"; however the company confirmed that this was "employee turnover" which would be "tốc độ nhân viên được thay thế"

    #3 Wouldn't "kiểm toán" be more appropriate for "audit" ; "kiểm tra" is general for inspection and examination. Whereas, "kiểm toán" does mean "audit"

    #6 You used "dự phòng" for preventive; I believe the meaning for dự phòng is to plan or prepare for and that is different from prevention. Prevention = ngừa phòng, ngăn ngừa?

    #7 You used "điều lệ" for capital improvement policies; "điều lệ" is regulation whereas "chính sách" is policy and you didn't write anything for capital improvement.

    What do you think?
    #3 To me, using 'Kiểm toán' is not quite appropriate in this case. You can Kiểm toán company's revenue, but you can't kiểm toán employee's performance. you're right, my translation 'Kiểm tra' is general use for inspection, . Let's use Thanh tra. How's that?

    #6 Yes,you are right.Prevention = ngừa phòng, ngăn ngừa?

    #7 Yes, policy is chính sách, For a small firm, I would use 'điều lệ'.
    I use Cải thiện căn bản for Capital improvement because the statement is about "maintenance' and 'vốn' does not significantly affect 'maintenance activities'.

    Chúng ta, chúng tôi. Yes I was reluctant to do so and it seems confusing but If you take a closer look at #2 & #4. Employees themselve can't carry out those kind of tasks.

    Last edited by Lenguyen; 06-15-2007 at 10:23 AM.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2007

    Default Clarifying the purpose of this statement

    These are statements inside the Quality Manual that are to reflect the company's goals. These goals have to be measured. for instance #2, the goal of the company is to provide solid employment for their community and to keep their current employees and hire additional as they grow, they will know they have accomplished this goal (it can be measured) by the turnover rate of employees.

    #8 is the continuous process of evaluating the company's overall performance... on time delivery, defect free products, customer and employee satisfaction, etc. and determining if the company which includes All employees and management have achieved them.

    For the ISO registration they are working towards each goal has to be defined, measured and have documented results.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by widget View Post
    These are statements inside the Quality Manual that are to reflect the company's goals. These goals have to be measured. for instance #2, the goal of the company is to provide solid employment for their community and to keep their current employees and hire additional as they grow, they will know they have accomplished this goal (it can be measured) by the turnover rate of employees.

    #8 is the continuous process of evaluating the company's overall performance... on time delivery, defect free products, customer and employee satisfaction, etc. and determining if the company which includes All employees and management have achieved them.

    For the ISO registration they are working towards each goal has to be defined, measured and have documented results.
    So I will revise #2:
    2.Nhân viên làm dài hạn-Chúng tôi phấn đấu duy trì số nhân viên làm việc dài hạn khi có thay đổi về nhân sự..


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