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please help us translate the contents to French
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Thread: please help us translate the contents to French

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2007
    Toronto. Canada

    Default please help us translate the contents to French

    It's for our website which establish to raise fund for the orphanages in Viet Nam. thank you

    Lantern of Hope is an international foundation that provides support for the basic needs and necessities of orphans in Vietnam. This foundation is committed to opening the door of life for children to discover and develop the gifts they possess, but never had the opportunity to know. To see beyond the trials of their lives as orphans and have the opportunity to believe in a promising future is a vision that Lantern of Hope encourages for all children.

    The charity is symbolized by a lantern. The lantern represents light and hope. It has the power to illuminate a dark path while offering a greater sense of possibility for the course that lies ahead. Fashion designer, philanthropist, and now founder of Lantern of Hope, Thien Le, chose to combine the worlds of art and fashion with his passion and concern for orphaned children. Vietnamese born, he understands the plight of children who not only lack the satisfaction of basic needs, but also the support and security of a family. His path in life is lined with people who gave him hope and an opportunity to become the person he is today. Thien pays it forward by championing the future of Vietnamese orphans to live happier, healthier, educated lives.

    Thien Le’s international success is owed to the fact that he was given the opportunity to develop his gifts. This is the core reason for him establishing the Lantern of Hope Foundation. Now with every lantern donation, a lantern shines and another life has a chance to blossom in Vietnam. Donors will have an opportunity to discover the light and hope that is within them to give. This in turn becomes a timeless and very basic building block of this Foundation.

    The Power to Illuminate a Dark Path
    Vietnam is close to my heart. It is where I was born and spent the first seven years of my life. I was born in Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh. I came to Canada in 1989 and grew up in Windsor, Ont. Now, I live and run a small business in Toronto. Some of my most cherished, joyful and poignant memories will always take me back to the hustling and bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City.
    I recently accepted an invitation to visit a temple about a two hour drive from Ho Chi Minh, where 60 orphans are taken care of by two Buddhist monks. The visitation changed my point of view. I asked myself: What is my purpose in life? I realized that while I might have embraced a new culture and lived my life in another country, my roots will always be Vietnamese.
    Since then, I have been helping Vietnamese children with their hospital bills in various life and death situations. The orphans are the children of our future. It is hard to measure by poverty and hard to picture it with statistics, but Vietnam is by various measures one of the poorest countries in the world. Recently, some citizens have benefited from a more open economic system, but this sometimes makes a few rich at the expense of the poor. I have witnessed this first-hand.
    Extreme poverty has forced many parents to leave their children at orphanages, Buddhist temples and monasteries because they simply cannot afford to feed them. Most have been abandoned by their parents at an early age, often because of extreme poverty or out-of-wedlock births; also probably because of the government policy restricting families to two children. Some children have lost their parents to natural disasters such as flooding or for other reasons. Most are living in orphanages. Each child in an orphanage is a child whose life might have been ended before birth. But each of these children was carried by his or her birth mother and brought into the world.

    This is why I was motivated to establish the Lantern of Hope Foundation, a voluntary organization that provides support for the basic needs and necessities of orphans in Vietnam. This foundation is committed to opening the door of life for children to discover and develop the gifts they possess, but never had the opportunity to know. To see beyond the trials of their lives as orphans and have the opportunity to believe in a promising future is a vision that Lantern of Hope encourages for all children.
    The charity is symbolized by a lantern. The lantern represents light and hope. It has the power to illuminate a dark path while offering a greater sense of possibility for the course that lies ahead today. Lantern Of Hope pays it forward by championing the future of Vietnamese orphans to live happier, healthier and educated lives.

    But the lantern is more than a symbol: for a donation, your own lantern will be displayed in an annual festival. Visualize this: Vietnamese lanterns will hang in front of City Hall in Toronto, September 2008. With every donation, a lantern shines and another life has a chance to blossom in Vietnam. Donors will have an opportunity to discover the light and hope that is within them to give. This in turn becomes a timeless and very basic building block of this organization.

    I can’t do this all by myself, but together we can try to make a difference, whether it’s big or small.

  2. #2


    voici ma traduction (peut-être doit-elle être révisée, mais elle garde la fidélité du texte)

    La Lanterne de l'Espoir est une fondation internationale qui fournit un soutien aux besoins essentiels des orphelins du Vietnam. Cette fondation s'est engagée à ouvrir la porte de la vie aux enfants afin de découvrir et développer les dons qu'ils possèdent, mais qu'ils n'ont jamais eu l'occasion de faire connaitre. Voir au-delà de leur expérience de vie en tant qu'orphelins et la possibilité de croire en un avenir prometteur est la vision encourageante de la Lanterne de l'espoir pour tous les enfants.

    La charité est symbolisée par une lanterne. La lanterne représente la lumière et l'espérance. Elle a le pouvoir d'illuminer un chemin sombre, tout en offrant un plus grand sens du choix pour ll'avenir qui nous attend. Le créateur de mode, le philanthrope, et maintenant fondateur de la Lanterne de l'Espoir, Thien Le a choisi de combiner les mondes de l'art et de la mode avec sa passion et préoccupation pour les enfants orphelins. Vietnamien d'origine, il comprend la situation tragique des enfants à qui manquent non seulement la satisfaction des besoins essentiels, mais aussi le soutien et la sécurité d'une famille. Son chemin dans la vie, est bordé de personnes qui lui ont donné l'espoir et la possibilité de devenir ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Thien Le anticipe ainsi l'avenir des orphelins vietnamiens , afin qu'ils vivent plus heureux et en meilleure santé, et éduqués.

    Le succès international de Thien Le est dû au fait qu'il a eu la possibilité de développer ses dons. Tel est le principal motif qui lui a fait créer la fondation la lanterne de l'espoir. Maintenant avec chaque don,une lanterne brille et une autre vie aura une chance de s'épanouir au Vietnam. Les donateurs auront l'occasion de découvrir la lumière et l'espérance qu'ils sont capables de donner. Ceci, en retour, devient la valeur éternelle et fondamentale de cette Fondation.

    Le pouvoir d'éclairer un chemin sombre
    Le Vietnam est proche de mon coeur. C'est l'endroit où je suis né et ai passé les sept premières années de ma vie. Je suis né à Saigon, désormais appelé Ho Chi Minh. Je suis arrivé au Canada en 1989 et ai grandi à Windsor. Maintenant, je vis, et je gère une petite entreprise, à Toronto. Certains de mes plus chers,plus joyeux et poignants souvenirs me ramènent toujours aux rues animées de Ho Chi Minh-Ville.
    J'ai récemment accepté une invitation pour me rendre dans un temple à environ deux heures de route de Ho Chi Minh, où 60 orphelins sont pris en charge par deux moines bouddhistes. La visite a changé mon point de vue. Je me suis demandé: Quel est mon but dans la vie? J'ai réalisé que malgré avoir embrassé une nouvelle culture et vécu ma vie dans un autre pays, mes racines seraient toujours vietnamiennes.

    Depuis cela, j'ai aidé les enfants vietnamiens en payant leurs factures des hôpitaux dans les diverses situations de la vie et de la mort. Les orphelins sont les enfants de notre avenir. Il est difficile de mesurer la pauvreté et difficile de se la représenter avec des statistiques, mais le Vietnam est par diverses mesures l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde. Récemment, certains citoyens ont bénéficié d'un système économique plus ouvert, mais cela rend parfois certaines personnes riches au détriment des pauvres. J'en ai été témoin.
    L'extrême pauvreté a contraint de nombreux parents à laisser leurs enfants à des orphelinats, des monastères et temples bouddhistes, car ils ne pouvaient tout simplement pas se permettre de les nourrir. La plupart ont été abandonnés par leurs parents à un très jeune âge, souvent à cause d'une pauvreté extrême ou parce qu'ils étaient nés hors mariage, et aussi probablement en raison de la politique gouvernementale limitant le système familial à deux enfants. Certains enfants ont perdu leurs parents à l'occasion de catastrophes naturelles telles que les inondations ou pour d'autres raisons. La plupart vivent dans des orphelinats. Chaque enfant d'un orphelinat est un enfant dont la vie aurait pu être terminée avant la naissance. Mais chacun de ces enfants a été porté par sa mère biologique et a mis au monde.

    C'est pourquoi j'ai été motivé pour créer la fondation de la lanterne de l'espoir, une organisation bénévole qui fournit un soutien aux besoins essentiels des orphelins du Vietnam. Cette fondation s'est engagée à ouvrir la porte de la vie aux enfants pour découvrir et développer les dons qu'ils possèdent, mais qu'ils n'ont jamais eu l'occasion de faire connaitre. Voir au-delà de leur expérience de vie en tant qu'orphelins et la possibilité de croire en un avenir prometteur est la vision encourageante de la Lanterne de l'espoir pour tous les enfants.
    La charité est symbolisée par une lanterne. La lanterne représente la lumière et l'espérance. Elle a le pouvoir d'illuminer un chemin sombre, tout en offrant un plus grand sens de choix pour l'avenir qui nous attend aujourd'hui. La Lanterne de l'espoir croit en l'avenir d'une vie plus heureuse, une meilleure santé et en l'éducation des orphelins vietnamiens.

    Mais la lanterne est plus qu'un symbole: pour un don, votre propre lanterne sera affichée dans un festival annuel. Voyez ceci: les lanternes vietnamiennes sont exposées devant l'hôtel de ville à Toronto, en septembre 2008. Pour chaque don, une lanterne brille pour une vie et un autre a une chance de s'épanouir au Vietnam. Les donateurs auront l'occasion de découvrir la lumière et l'espérance qui est en eux . Ceci, en retour, devient une valeur éternelle et une pierre de base de cette organisation.

    Je ne peux pas faire cela tout seul, mais ensemble nous pouvons essayer de faire cette différence, qu'elle soit grande ou petite

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by lantern of hope View Post
    It's for our website which establish to raise fund for the orphanages in Viet Nam. thank you

    Lantern of Hope is an international foundation that provides support for the basic needs and necessities of orphans in Vietnam. This foundation is committed to opening the door of life for children to discover and develop the gifts they possess, but never had the opportunity to know. To see beyond the trials of their lives as orphans and have the opportunity to believe in a promising future is a vision that Lantern of Hope encourages for all children.

    The charity is symbolized by a lantern. The lantern represents light and hope. It has the power to illuminate a dark path while offering a greater sense of possibility for the course that lies ahead. Fashion designer, philanthropist, and now founder of Lantern of Hope, Thien Le, chose to combine the worlds of art and fashion with his passion and concern for orphaned children. Vietnamese born, he understands the plight of children who not only lack the satisfaction of basic needs, but also the support and security of a family. His path in life is lined with people who gave him hope and an opportunity to become the person he is today. Thien pays it forward by championing the future of Vietnamese orphans to live happier, healthier, educated lives.

    Thien Le’s international success is owed to the fact that he was given the opportunity to develop his gifts. This is the core reason for him establishing the Lantern of Hope Foundation. Now with every lantern donation, a lantern shines and another life has a chance to blossom in Vietnam. Donors will have an opportunity to discover the light and hope that is within them to give. This in turn becomes a timeless and very basic building block of this Foundation.

    The Power to Illuminate a Dark Path
    Vietnam is close to my heart. It is where I was born and spent the first seven years of my life. I was born in Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh. I came to Canada in 1989 and grew up in Windsor, Ont. Now, I live and run a small business in Toronto. Some of my most cherished, joyful and poignant memories will always take me back to the hustling and bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City.
    I recently accepted an invitation to visit a temple about a two hour drive from Ho Chi Minh, where 60 orphans are taken care of by two Buddhist monks. The visitation changed my point of view. I asked myself: What is my purpose in life? I realized that while I might have embraced a new culture and lived my life in another country, my roots will always be Vietnamese.
    Since then, I have been helping Vietnamese children with their hospital bills in various life and death situations. The orphans are the children of our future. It is hard to measure by poverty and hard to picture it with statistics, but Vietnam is by various measures one of the poorest countries in the world. Recently, some citizens have benefited from a more open economic system, but this sometimes makes a few rich at the expense of the poor. I have witnessed this first-hand.
    Extreme poverty has forced many parents to leave their children at orphanages, Buddhist temples and monasteries because they simply cannot afford to feed them. Most have been abandoned by their parents at an early age, often because of extreme poverty or out-of-wedlock births; also probably because of the government policy restricting families to two children. Some children have lost their parents to natural disasters such as flooding or for other reasons. Most are living in orphanages. Each child in an orphanage is a child whose life might have been ended before birth. But each of these children was carried by his or her birth mother and brought into the world.

    This is why I was motivated to establish the Lantern of Hope Foundation, a voluntary organization that provides support for the basic needs and necessities of orphans in Vietnam. This foundation is committed to opening the door of life for children to discover and develop the gifts they possess, but never had the opportunity to know. To see beyond the trials of their lives as orphans and have the opportunity to believe in a promising future is a vision that Lantern of Hope encourages for all children.
    The charity is symbolized by a lantern. The lantern represents light and hope. It has the power to illuminate a dark path while offering a greater sense of possibility for the course that lies ahead today. Lantern Of Hope pays it forward by championing the future of Vietnamese orphans to live happier, healthier and educated lives.

    But the lantern is more than a symbol: for a donation, your own lantern will be displayed in an annual festival. Visualize this: Vietnamese lanterns will hang in front of City Hall in Toronto, September 2008. With every donation, a lantern shines and another life has a chance to blossom in Vietnam. Donors will have an opportunity to discover the light and hope that is within them to give. This in turn becomes a timeless and very basic building block of this organization.

    I can’t do this all by myself, but together we can try to make a difference, whether it’s big or small.
    A superb translation. There are a few errors, but so minor. And more, there is tone of humility in the translation, none of this "I am a brilliant translater, and you are going to have to read my almost incomprehesible prose!, and a supple fluency, a striving for pefrection in both languages

    clarabeille: Anglais de langue maternelle, 20 nans a Paris, marrie avec une francaise pendant 23 ans, ayant faire construire notre "petit chateaux" Ta traduction est quasiment parfaite! Il ya des nuances, mais autrement je n'aurais jamais sus fair pareille! N'hesitez pas a corriger mes pauvres commentaires. 10 ans que je n'ai pas eu la chance de parler Francais. Triste! J'ai essaye pourtant. Cela n'a pas marche du tout!

    Merci, c'est une belle traduction, magistrale meme!

    Malheureusement je suis deja marrie, sinon j'aurais tantais le coup. (agrhhh! les mots me reviennent, mais ..... je rentre, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, peu importe! Pas possible de pedre la plus belle langue du monde!

    Enfin, je pourrais divorce ma femme! Ha! Bisous!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Bilou View Post
    A superb translation. There are a few errors, but so minor. And more, there is tone of humility in the translation, none of this "I am a brilliant translater, and you are going to have to read my almost incomprehesible prose!, and a supple fluency, a striving for pefrection in both languages

    clarabeille: Anglais de langue maternelle, 20 nans a Paris, marrie avec une francaise pendant 23 ans, ayant faire construire notre "petit chateaux" Ta traduction est quasiment parfaite! Il ya des nuances, mais autrement je n'aurais jamais sus fair pareille! N'hesitez pas a corriger mes pauvres commentaires. 10 ans que je n'ai pas eu la chance de parler Francais. Triste! J'ai essaye pourtant. Cela n'a pas marche du tout!

    Merci, c'est une belle traduction, magistrale meme!

    Malheureusement je suis deja marrie, sinon j'aurais tantais le coup. (agrhhh! les mots me reviennent, mais ..... je rentre, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, peu importe! Pas possible de pedre la plus belle langue du monde!

    Enfin, je pourrais divorce ma femme! Ha! Bisous!
    "Saved" under "Superb translations"

    Merci ma belle!

  5. #5


    merci !!! c'est gentil

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Québec, Canada

    Lightbulb Je vais examiner cela avec attention

    Bonjour Clarabeille,

    Après un premier examen, il y a bien quelques petites erreurs de syntaxe, mais comme le disait Bilou, rien de vraiment très grave. J'en fais un examen poussé et je t'envoie la version d'ici deux jours.

    Je coopère déjà avec de nombreux organismes situés au Vietnam. Je ne suis pas a priori un traducteur, plutôt WebDesigner, mais j'aime bien aider lorsqu'il s'agit de causes qui me tiennent a coeur.

    Alors à bientôt!

    Michael May Webber

  7. #7


    merci mayman, j'aimerais bien lire ta traduction avec plaisir, l'anglais j'en ai fait en 2eme langue, ma 1ere étant l'espagnol, ,'ai fait de mon mieux pour respecter le texte et encore merci aussi à Bilou pour les encouragements

  8. #8


    oui bravo! "lantern of hope" doit être bien satisfait !!

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