I have a bag that measures 4 3/8" x 7 3/4" from war that contained one bullet and message from US to Vietnamese. Top of bag was to hold a bullet (pictured) and read (in english) "grasp corner firmly and snap" then below "to open along this line". Below the line (separate from bullet compartment) it reads:
chiêu hồi giúp bạn gặp lại cha mẹ, vợ con trong cảnh thanh bình của nước việt tự do, dân chủ. 4-25-69
vDict.com translates to:
rally your help see parents, wife and children in tranquillity of free vietnamese country scene, again democratically. 4-25-69
Then is this information:
I believe:
"Chiêu Hồi" ==> "Chiến dịch Chiêu Hồi" ==> "Open Arms" Campaign" launched out in 1965 by using different methods to convince VC. to return to the Vietnamese government..., by spreading leaflets and Medical help etc... over the areas where there were operations conducted by American troops....
So, the translation should be:
Turn yourself in (chiêu hôi) so you can see your parents, your wife and kids, and live in peace and feedom of VN.
Can anyone expand on the translation or know more history of this bag?