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I have made a tentative translation (with some holes), which sometimes seems akward. Could someone please correct it - without laughing too much if there are silly things ?
Thank you
Hom qua gap X, dung doi bao len nua roi. Buon chu sao... bao to phong ba.
Khong ngo la gap X.
yesterday I met x, while waiting storm came, of course it's sad ... stormy weather
→ Yesterday I met X, ................ (I) was very sad (?)...
I didn't think I would meet X.
Tai sao cu bi am anh ve may chuyen nay???
Why so obsessed about these things
Vay ban anh noi chuyen voi X ko?
Did yout friend talk to X
→ Why did it make you sad ?
So, did your friend talk to X ?
X ke: dao nay toi nao cung ngoi thien o trong chua; dung nhien la co.
X said:" Lately I meditate every night in temple; ofcourse yes
Bat ngo qua nen khong biet noi gi
Too sudden to say anything
Noi chuyen tren troi duoi dat
talk about everything
→ X said : lately, I have been worried and went to the pagoda; usually this is ................................
This was so unexpected I didn't know what to say.
We chatted about various things.
Moi nguoi cu nghi moi chuyen co ve don gian nhi???
Everyone reckons all problems are simple
Anh thi chi muon dam dau xuong dat
I just want to hide my head in the sand
→ Can't people have simple stories ? (???)
I just want to hit my head on the ground
nhung tinh Anh la vay va lai day la lan dau tien trong cuoc doi gap phai tinh huong nhu vay nen; khong biet phan ung ra sao
It's my character, it was the first time in my life to be in such a situation, I didn't know how to react
→ But his temper is like that and this the first time in (my/his?) life that (I/he) find(s) such a situation; (I/He) don't (doesn't) know how to react.
phai chi duoc mot phan ba nhu em la cung tot lam roi, cuoc song thay doi dot ngot
It would be nice to have a third of what you are, life turns unexpectedly
→ One just has to meet such a good woman as you, life changes suddenly
Em vao SAIGON choi. Cho em di le nha tho
I come to saigon, you take me to church
-- > Come to Saigon to have fun. I will bring you to church
co biet cho nao xem boi khong ? ai cung noi anh co mot nguoi con gai coi am di theo; co cach nao noi voi Co Ay la dung di theo minh nua ?
You know anywhere I can find a fortune teller, Everyone told me there is a female's spirit following you, is there anyway to tell her stop following us?
→ Do you know where I can find a fortune teller ? Everyone told me everyone has a girl from the nether world following him/her; how could this woman follow me still ?