Tau hay ba tau gi cung thay kho nghe lam.
In a que stion that does not invo lve the verb to be or an interro gative word (who, what, where etc.), we use the verb "to do". Why? It do esn't mean any...
Type: Posts; User: madamthaihoa
Tau hay ba tau gi cung thay kho nghe lam.
In a que stion that does not invo lve the verb to be or an interro gative word (who, what, where etc.), we use the verb "to do". Why? It do esn't mean any...
I can. Pm me.
I have some basic skills in Vietnamese, but I need help to keep it up to date and learn more.
Could someone in the Community help me? bowtrol cleanse
I have been in Vietnam every...
O VN thi co nghia la quyen sinh - rat xau.
So, let me und erstand this cle arly. Insur ers want to be able to deny you cov erage, no matt er what, if you hav e can cer or your kid is disa bled or...
Cung khong buon cuoi may
Wha t this rep is sug gesting goes so mewhat further than that - an emp loyer have the right to s elect from a menu of serv ices/illnes ses the christmas gift baskets ins...
Trước đến giờ nghe nhiều và cũng tương đối hiểu nhưng các bạn có thể giải nghĩa 1 cách sâu sắc cho tôi câu tục ngữ "Tôn sư trọng đạo" được không? 0% on balance transfers
Tôn sư ở đây có thể hiểu là...
Tieng dia phuong mien it nguoi hieu duoc