Trên thế gian này không ai giống nhaụ ( Nếu ai ai cũng giống nhau thì trai đất này ko còn la trai đất nữa) = It takes all kinds to make a world.
Type: Posts; User: camtieu
Trên thế gian này không ai giống nhaụ ( Nếu ai ai cũng giống nhau thì trai đất này ko còn la trai đất nữa) = It takes all kinds to make a world.
Leo lưng cọp = Have a tiger by the tail.
Xát muối vào vết thương = rub salt into the wound.
Gậy ông đập lưng ông = Get caught in your own noose
Chỉ Có Ngườii trong nghề / Ngườii Cùng Hệ mới hiểu được nhau = It takes one to know one.
Thanks mate!!!
khôn mà không ngoan : too clever by half.
= At school he had a reputation for arrogance. 'Too clever by half' was how one former teacher described him.
= She was too...
There are 2 ways of pronounciation of LIVE depends on its meaning.
Can đảm đối diện với vấn đề.= Take the bull by its horns.
For example:
Jack wasn't happy with the manager's decision, so he took the bull by the horns and demanded to see him in order to...
Mo ta, dien ta, phat hoa = To paint a picture (of something).
- The scientist painted a grim picture of life in the next century.
Gan dat xa troi. = to live on borrowed time.
Example: He has cancer, he is living on borrowed time.
đi thẳng/chuồn thẳng = to make a beeline for.
Vi du:
Co ta quay đầu đi thẳng ra cua. = She turns back and makes a beeline for the door.
"Em sao roi?" = What's up?/ How are you doing?
"Em roi sao " = What's next?
Is there any nice chicks to hook up with Tam ?
Vòng luẩn quẩn = Catch 22.
My parents wont let me drive until i can afford to pay insurance, but they wont let me get a job until i can drive myself to work. I am caught in catch 22...
it means "please forward your updated resume as soon as possible"
client = thân chủ
Nếu là bác sĩ, luật sư hay là cố vấn thì thân chủ nghe có lý hơn.
The difference between a customer and a client can at first seem quite confusing. Some people say there is not much difference, while others say it depends on the industry as to whether the term...
Tình đơn phương. = unrequited love.
Mê như điếu đổ. = Head over heels.
My gf and I met at a nightclub and instantly fell head over heels for one another.
Bạn thử dùng chữ origin đi, có thể được đấỵ
Trưởng giả học làm sang. = A cashed up bogan.
Theo ý trời, để ông trời quyết định. = It is in the lap of the gods.
Làm lại cuộc đời. = To turn over a new leaf.
Mặt lạnh như tiền. = Poker-faced.
Cảm giác lạnh xương sống, rợn người = (Feeling) Someone has just walked over my grave.